Hands On Nashville Urban Farm
Located on five acres in south Nashville, Hands On Nashville’s Urban Farm serves as a resource for volunteers to grow gardening skills, learn about urban agriculture and help provide nutritious food for others.
Get Involved: Volunteer or Reserve Space
Grow Good: Be an Urban Farm Volunteer Leader in 2018!
Leadership Benefits
This ongoing leadership opportunity provides a great way to boost gardening skills, meet new people and lead others to serve in the local community.
Lead by example: Volunteer Leaders (VLs) lead fellow volunteers in projects each month, including bed preparation, general maintenance and more.
Grow your knowledge: VLs learn resume-boosting skills and experience through ongoing hands-on training. Training topics include:
- Gardening and farming fundamentals
- Volunteer and project management
Cultivate community: Produce harvested at the HON Urban Farm is donated to The Nashville Food Project (TNFP) and The Heimerdinger Foundation. These organizations support local agriculture and provide nourishing meals across Middle Tennessee.
Volunteer Leader Commitment
All interested Urban Farm Volunteer Leaders must:
- Attend two mandatory training sessions:
- March 10: Classroom training at Hands On Nashville (four-hour session)
- April 2018: Attend one on-site training at the Urban Farm, which will cover best practices (three-hour session)
- April 4
- April 14
- Commit to leading a minimum of three Saturday morning projects in 2018 (9 to 11 a.m.)
- Pass a background check to adhere to HON’s youth safety policies and procedures.
Learn more and sign up and today!
Roots: History & Impact
The Urban Farm is located on land once devastated by the May 2010 flood. As part of the recovery effort, Metro Government granted Hands On Nashville the opportunity develop the land into a community asset.
With the support of many businesses and donors, Hands On Nashville staff and volunteers transformed the space into a shared resource and learning space that benefits the land and habitats neighboring Mill Creek.
Produce harvested at the Hands On Nashville Urban Farm is donated to The Nashville Food Project (TNFP). TNFP supports 30+ organizations in Middle Tennessee through its work to grow, cook and share nourishing food.
Humana Greenhouse
In spring 2017, Hands On Nashville and Metro Nashville Public Schools opened Humana greenhouse at Glencliff High School. The 1,728 sq. ft. learning facility is made possible by the generous investment of the Humana Foundation, and will exist as a shared resource that benefits the surrounding communities.
The greenhouse will produce starts and stems for the Hands On Nashville Urban Farm, while expanding project-based learning and capstone coursework opportunities for students in the Hands On Nashville Environmental and Urban Planning (EUP) Academy. The EUP Academy is designed to prepare students for future studies and careers in civil and environmental engineering, and plant and animal biotechnology.
Volunteer-powered: Join us!
Hands On Nashville engages volunteers to maintain the Farm year-round, hosting 100+ opportunities annually. Volunteer at the Urban Farm!
Reserve Space for Community Programming:
Community partners are invited to reserve this space for volunteer projects, educational programming and private events. Contact us for more information!